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 Grumman Owners and Pilots Association

 "Building on our proud AYA heritage..."


The International TYPE-CLUB FOR Grumman Owners and Pilots

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  • 22 Apr 2021 8:48 AM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    GOPA Scholarship Fundraiser a Success!

    On behalf of the GOPA Scholarship Committee, I am so pleased to report that we sold 185 T-shirts and raised $2660!  Thank you so much to all of you who purchased shirts and made additional donations. We well surpassed our goal!

    A huge thank you to GOPA member Dennis Oparowski who came to me with this idea and liaised with Custom Ink.  He believed in it from the very beginning, designed the shirt with Custom Ink and has organized a great fundraiser for the scholarship fund.

    I look forward to seeing the T-shirts worn proudly at the GOPA convention in September and I’m sure they will be worn at many other flying events throughout the year!

    Thank you for supporting youth in aviation.

    Pat Metz, Director, GOPA Scholarship Fund

  • 28 Mar 2021 1:15 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)


    Support the GOPA Scholarship fund by purchasing one of these great T-Shirts just by clicking on the link below:

    Short sleeve, long sleeve, and a variety of sizes for you to choose!

    These would make great gifts, fun items for giveaways/draws, to donate to local EAA, air cadets programs, local fly-in draws, or other aviation events. Our goal is to sell 150 T-Shirts.

    Our members have provided over $93,000 since 2002 to over 50 young aviators.  Let’s keep it going!

    For more information about the GOPA Scholarship, please visit

  • 20 Mar 2021 2:03 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    Tom Dyer is taking over as the Director for the Pacific region. He can be reached at

    Thanks for stepping up Tom.

  • 1 Mar 2021 8:49 AM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    The 2021 GOPA Convention has been moved from Fredericksburg, Texas, to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the week of September 20. Details will be updated in the Events section as they become available.

  • 8 Feb 2021 1:42 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    AOPA have chosen a Grumman Tiger as their Sweepstakes give away this time. Details can be seen here. GOPA will be donating a one year membership to the new owner and has been helping out as needed.

    Good Luck.

  • 17 Dec 2020 10:37 AM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    All the back issues of the Star and Newsletters that I have access to are now online in the Members Area. There are some interesting reads from back in the day. Login to enjoy.

  • 20 Nov 2020 5:46 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    John Cotter has volunteered to be our newest Technical Director. He can be reached at with your questions. His full bio will appear in the next International Grumman Star magazine.

    Welcome aboard John.

  • 25 Aug 2020 4:20 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    Excellent turnout at the Anniversary Fly-in

  • 2 Aug 2020 5:49 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    Sharon Spence, President
    Grumman Owners & Pilots Association
    +1(306) 441-9525

    American Yankee Association (AYA) evolves into
    The Grumman Owners & Pilots Association (GOPA)

    Keywords: AYA, American Yankee Association, Grumman light aircraft, Grumman owners, Grumman pilots, GOPA

    (Aug 1, 2020). The American Yankee Association (AYA), the Registered International Type Club for Grumman general aviation owners and pilots, is proud to announce its transition into the new Grumman Owners & Pilots Association (GOPA), “Building on our proud AYA heritage.”   The new identity more accurately reflects the evolving composition of the Association, which has expanded from the original 2 seater American Yankees (AA1) which gave birth to the Association in 1976 to today’s Grumman family of 9 different models.

    The Grumman Owners & Pilots Association is dramatically expanding support for Grumman owners and pilots to include

    •          A “Market Place” listing planes, parts, and services, often with offerings not available elsewhere
    •          An Airplane Listing discussing “Why buy Grumman? and “Which Grumman?”
    •          An “Owner/Mentor” program to assist potential buyers through the buying process
    •          A “Pilot Familiarization Program” (PFP) with vetted pilots who conduct “train-to-proficiency”, comprehensive check-out programs
    •          “Cockpit Cool” to empower non-pilot companions to manage a plane in an emergency
    •          A scholarship program for young pilots
    •          Access to industry gurus to answer technical/operations questions

    Becoming a member of GOPA also opens opportunities for fellowship and knowledge through an active local, national and international events program, a content-rich website and growing video library, and a bi-monthly news magazine, The International Grumman Star.

    For further information, visit GOPA at or call President, Sharon Spence (details above).

  • 26 Mar 2020 12:02 PM | Don Metz (Administrator)

    COVID-19 Virus and Fredericksburg, Texas

    Due to the ever changing concerns and restrictions on our world regarding the Covid-19 Virus the AYA Board of Directors have moved the 2020 Fredericksburg Convention to May 10-13, 2021. 


    Many, many thanks to Scott Sanders, Susan Dollar, Cindy and Bill Daley for agreeing to host the 2021 Convention in Fredericksburg, Texas.  There are still many hours that are needed to cancel and re-book the venues, etc and that TAKES A LOT TIME AND COMMITMENT!!  Thanks again to you all.

    The 2021 Pacific Region convention will now be held in 2022 (no date set yet).  I also want to thank Kim Muinch for his understanding and willingness to move the Pacific Region Convention to 2022.  Kim has been putting in a lot of time researching sites and hotels for 2021 and now must reschedule as well.

    Full refunds have already been issued to all who had registered and paid their registration fees for the 2020 Convention.  

    Don’t forget to cancel any reservations you may have made ie: car/hotel/airlines.  Hopefully they are all of the understanding of the situation and full refunds will be forth coming.  We just cancelled our hotel room at the Hangar Hotel and received a full refund. 

    Scott Sanders has been in contact with the Hangar Hotel and they have agreed to book the AYA in for 2021 at the same quoted price of this year (this includes room rates and conference center).  WOW!!! Is that customer service or WHAT!!! 

    ALSO:  The Convention Scholarship Auction is the main source of fundraising for the AYA Scholarship Program and as the convention is being cancelled for this year - Please “consider making a donation to the Scholarship Fund”.  Any and all donations are appreciated – Helping to keep our young people flying. 

    Our Scholarship applicants must apply by February 1st, 2021 to be eligible for a Scholarship.  Our 2021 Convention will not be held until May 2021 – therefore, there will be few funds available for the applicants and/or we may have to cancel the program for next year without your support.

    Stay healthy and fly safe – Hope to see you all in Fredericksburg in 2021. Any questions/concerns please contact myself at or phone: 1-306-441-9525.

    Sharon Spence, President AYA

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