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The GOPA Maintenance Scholarship went live today. This scholarship initiative will raise funds to support people in an aviation maintenance program. You can find details here. The initial fundraising effort is here.
The FAA has issued an Airworthiness Concern Sheet on some of our primers. The ACS is here.
The following was sent to our Executive Director, I have no further information at this time.
Unleaded aviation fuel is being tested in several locations throughout the United States. One of those locations is Watsonville, CA. Member Sam Kennedy who is based at WVI reported that local mechanics have observed damage to sealants, gaskets, O-rings and hoses to aircraft using this fuel.(See photo)
We recommend using caution before putting this fuel in your aircraft until more data are available. Several other organizations, including EAA and the Cirrus owners group have_ issued similar warnings.
More information here, and here.
Details have been finalized see here for general info and here for the registration form.
The PowerPoint presentation for the upcoming GOPA Convention in Groton/Mystic CT, is now available here. The links for hotel reservations are included as well as a proposed schedule of events and lots of nearby tourist information.
Grumman Owners and Pilots Membership Drive and Challenge
Dear GOPA Members, I don’t know any GOPA member who doesn’t like a challenge. So, from now and until our next conference September 15-18, 2025 in Groton/Mystic Connecticut, I challenge you to bring in at least one new member or a member from the past, back to the Grumman family. When you do, you will be entered to win some GOPA BUCKS to use towards paying your GOPA annual membership, but first remember, you must be a current member in good standing at the time of the drawing. 1. For every new or long time (2 years or more) past member you recruit, you will have the opportunity to receive $25.00 in GOPA BUCKS in a drawing held at the 2025 convention in Connecticut. 2. GOPA BUCKS will be used as a credit to help pay your annual membership. 3. One ticket for every new member you recruit will be issued in your name and entered. One winner out of all entrants will be drawn. 4. The new member you recruited will receive their next year’s membership free. 5. GOPA BUCKS is based on how many new members you personally recruit. 6. Example: One new member $25.00 credit in GOPA BUCKS, two new members and your personal pot grows to $50.00 and so on. 7. There is a new block in the member application form where the new member must record your name as the member that influenced/recruited them to join. 8. Print the recruitment card to use as talking points to the perspective member to join. Enter your name on the card below and give the card to the new perspective member. Make sure you explain that the new member must enter your name in the online application for both to qualify for the drawing. 9. You or the new member do not need to attend the convention to win. 10. Remember, one current member will receive the value of their own pot in GOPA BUCKS if their ticket is selected at next year’s convention. The new member they recruited will receive their next year’s membership free. 11. Most of all have some fun with the program. Dennis Oparowski President, Grumman Owners and Pilots Association pres@grummanpilots.org
Grumman Owners and Pilots Association Membership Drive GOPA Member Recruitment Card
New Members Name:__________________________ GOPA Member who “influenced you to join”____________________________ Just some of the many member benefits: 1. GOPA Membership Directory 2. An active calendar of local and regional fly-ins and events 3. Current and Archived International Grumman Star/American Star Newsletters 4. Scholarship Program 6. Pilot Proficiency Program (PFP) 5. The Bi-Monthly International Grumman STAR Publication 7. Access to extensive Technical and Video Library 8 Annual Convention •Join at grummanpilots.org •It is mandatory the new member enter the member’s name who recruited you in the application block which asks “Which GOPA member influenced you to join. •You will be entered to win a free one year membership at next year’s conference. •The GOPA member who influenced you to join will be entered to win GOPA bucks.
Dear Members,
Recently, within the last week or so some scam emails have made their way to some of our members. Today, thankfully I received several inquiries about them from some of our members before acting on them. As we get closer to the holidays, scammers are getting smarter and more ingenious in their attempts to relieve you of your money or just to annoy us.
Someone is (spoofing) impersonating me using the title of the Presidents email listed on our website. They mask their real email having it read as if it came from me, the GOPA President. It is not a hack into our system just some evil people somewhere trying to scam you by preying on your generosity and trusting nature. Please do not fall for it.
Understand that no one, from the GOPA Board will ever contact you, asking for things like, can you purchase some cash cards because I'm supposedly in a meeting, to busy, or doing something else, and take a picture and send me the numbers, or that I created some kind of incentive program and I need their help and some cash to complete. All with the catch phrase that you will be reimbursed. There has actually been more than a few scam or spam emails that just says give me a call, can we talk.
You will see a similar warning paragraph soon in the next Star, but this is too important not to address immediately. Most of you have my personal email which has my full name to identify, and or phone number to contact me. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly if something does not look right. Thanks to those that did exactly that today and made me aware this was happening... and now I'm making you aware.
Blue Skies,
Dennis Oparowski
President - GOPA
It was announced at this year's convention that Groton/Mystic, KGON, Connecticut will be the site of the 2025 convention. Save the dates of September 15-18, 2025. Planning is well under way and details will be shared when completed. Some local information is available here.
CANCELLED DUE TO AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION, hopefully next year with a shiny new runway surface.
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